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Research Outline

Updated: Oct 3, 2023

What is the topic of your action research?

  • The impact of using the blended learning model (station rotation) in a Third-grade classroom for math instruction.

What is the purpose of your study?

  • I want to see the impact of using the blended learning model during my guided math block would change my student's data. I have students every year on so many different levels, and I haven’t been able to find a way to plug the gaps quickly and effectively. Blended Learning seems to be a viable option.

What is your fundamental research question?

  • In what ways will the Blended Learning model (station rotation model) impact student’s math scores?

What is your research design?

  • I will focus my research design on the quantitative research. Since my research question is focused on math scores, I will be looking at tested data to see the impact of a blended learning model does on student's scores.

What type of data will you collect?

  • I plan to collect the beginning and end of the year Imagine Math benchmark assessments of each student to see the growth if any. This an electronic app the district pays for students to practice the Essential Math TEKS.

What types of measurements will you use?

  • District online app Imagine Math benchmark scores.

What is the focus of your literature review?

  • The focus of my literature review is on data. I want to learn what other schools use to decide whether or not the blended learning model was effective.

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