Growth Mindset Plan
Elementary Level
As an elementary teacher I invite you to read the presentation of my Growth Mindset Plan for my students. Additionally, I plan to promote growth mindset on a daily basis to cultivate and encourage positive feedback on their learning process. Rather than praising them for good grades or ineffective effort this will result on promoting a false growth mindset. (Dweck 2016). I will promote growth mindset by giving verbal cues to remind students of what growth mindset sounds like. I will also allow for small group collaboration so students take ownership of their learning. Also, remind them that failures and mistakes are part of their learning opportunities.
According to Dr. Dweck's research in 1988, those who believe their abilities are malleable are more likely to embrace challenges and persist despite failure. This model of the fixed vs. growth mindset shows how cognitive, affective, and behavioral features are linked to one’s beliefs about the malleability of their intelligence. (Science Impact, 2017)
Having a growth mindset will help me travel through the ADL program by reflecting on constructive feedback to improve my teaching skills and get inspired in the success of others.
Recognizing and Overcoming False Growth Mindset. (n.d.). Edutopia.
Science Impact. (2017).
Change Your Fixed Mindset into a Growth Mindset [Complete Guide]. (2016, December 26). Scott Jeffrey.