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Resources for Digital Learning

Digital learning resources, such as podcasts and videos, are valuable tools that can enhance the learning experience for learners. Digital learning tools can provide engaging, interactive, and personalized content that can cater to different learning styles and preferences. They can also offer diverse perspectives, insights, and examples that can enrich the understanding of various topics and subjects. Digital learning tools can be easily accessed, shared, and created using various platforms and devices, making them convenient and flexible for digital learning. The following three assignments made me to step out of my comfort zone construct writing piece for publication and the creation my first Podcast. 

01 Outline Publication

With the integration of technology in education nowadays, teachers have the opportunity to implement blended learning in their classrooms. This publication outline will explore the fundamentals benefits of blended learning in young learners.  It will also discuss how teachers can effectively implement digital apps to enhance the educational experience for students. 

02 Media Project

A podcast is a great way to communicate your thoughts on a subject and reach a wide range of listeners. By posting a podcast, you can connect with many people who are interested in your topic. My collaborative group chose to create a podcast that was captivating, informative, and original. We also had a clear purpose and vision for our podcast, as we expected our target audience to be mostly educators. We believed a podcast was a creative way to present our publications. We made this podcast to let our audience hear our ideas for our publication.

03 Final Publication 

Finalizing my writing publication made me confident as writer.  As an educator, I have

always admired and enjoyed reading posts on Edutopia and We Are Teachers because they are written by experts in the field of education, so know it's my turn to inspire other educators.


Throughout this course, I have worked closely with a collaborative group, and they were very helpful with feedback on my rough draft outline. The rubric we used was helpful as it broke down the different components needed for this assignment and also provided the opportunity for specific feedback. Receiving feedback from my peers helped me improve and has changed my mindset to take any criticism as a learning opportunity. Overall, it has been a good experience to continue practicing my written communication. 

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