4 Disciplines of Execution Strategy
The 4DX model will help teachers work towards important wildly goals all year long. Along the way, to track our lag and lead measures and celebrate our victories, would be a huge motivator to see growth. Implementing my blended learning initiative using the 4DX can help guide us towards success. By following these disciplines, we can learn how to effectively execute our work plan and stay focused on our objectives. With determination and discipline, we can achieve our goals and turn our dreams into reality. Here is the individual disciplines that will lead to the 5 stages of change in any organization.
Discipline 1 – Focus on the Wildly Important Goal
Team will meet to discuss and agree to our WIG.
Discipline 2 – Act on Lead Measures
Lead measures- effort and work you are putting into the goal to work.
Lag measures - is the actual results you get from the lead measures.
Discipline 3 – Keep a Compelling Scoreboard
Keeping a Compelling Scoreboard that shows the progress of the team toward the WIGs and the lead measures will helps us track our growth.
Discipline 4 – Create a Cadence of Accountability
By holding regular meetings where teams review their commitments and make new commitments for the next period. These meetings help drive the process of execution by asking four key questions that promote ownership and accountability within all members. It basically shifts organizational goals from being professional to being personal.
5 Stages of Change
Making Connections
I found the 4DX model is very similar to the Influencer model because both require accountability and the social aspect of team work. The 4DX model emphasizes regular measurement and tracking of goal progress, whereas the Influencer model can help ensure that teams are held accountable for their actions. Also, the lead measures in the 4DX model relate a lot to the vital behaviors in the Influencer model. The Influencer model and 4DX can complement each other by providing collaboration and accountability of each team members on achieving goals while addressing the behavioral aspects necessary for growth in any organization.
McChesney, Chris., Covey, Sean.Huling, Jim. (2012) The 4 disciplines of execution :achieving your wildly important goals New York : Free Press.