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ADL Journey Synthesis

As I reach the conclusion of this course, I find myself compelled to reflect on the various assignments and projects that have constituted to my ADL journey. In my ePortfolio all about me page, provides my contact information as well my bio. My learning philosophy includes my believes and values about learning. Each task has been a stepping stone, guiding me towards a deeper understanding of my Why in construction an comprehensive innovation plan to advocate blended learning in elementary education. 


The initial assignments served as an introduction, laying the groundwork for what was to come. Through them, I familiarized myself with the key concepts and theories, gradually building a framework upon which I could construct more complex arguments and interpretations. These assignments include CSLE+COVA and Learner's Mindset  allowing to create a significant  learning environment implementation in my own classroom. 


The research paper assignment stands out as a particularly enriching experience. Conducting extensive research for my literature review and action research design, allowed me to delve into the depths of the subject matter. These assignments helped my innovation proposal have credibility on the benefits of blended learning. It was a challenging yet immensely rewarding learning experience, as I navigated through several peer review articles and primary sources to construct a coherent and well-supported argument. Creating an online course pushed me to think critically and analytically, consolidating my understanding of the subject matter and reinforcing key concepts like Fink’s guide regarding aligning outcomes, assessment, and activities.


The Resource Digital Environment course I completed a publishing article and media project provided a valuable lesson in collaboration and teamwork as I reflected on the feedback provided for the rough draft publication.  Working alongside my peers, I gained insights from diverse perspectives, learning to compromise and communicate effectively to achieve our common goals. It was a testament to the importance of collective effort in academic pursuits.


As I reflect on the journey we have undertaken with my fellow peers, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment and gratitude. Each assignment has been a stepping stone, propelling me towards a deeper understanding of the subject of blended learning and preparing me for future innovative challenges in education.


Throughout all these assignments, your guidance and feedback have been invaluable. Your insightful comments challenged me to refine my arguments and expand my horizons, pushing me to strive for excellence in my learning experience. Thank you, Dr. Harapnuik, for your guidance and support throughout this program. It has been a transformative experience, one that I will carry with me as I continue my digital journey.



Harapnuik, D. (2018). Cova [Video file]. Retrieved from


Harapnuik, D. (2018). Cova [Weblog comment].  Retrieved from


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