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EDLD 5303: ePortfolio

Applying ED TECH: ePortfolio

Participating in the 5303 class for Lamar's Applied Digital Learning has been a great journey.  I have had the opportunity to explore my own portfolio and work on how I am going to better implement a blended learning environment in my classroom.  

For starters, I have had the opportunity to look at a lot of ePortfolios.  Some have been the ePortfolios of my classmates, some have been from the course professors, others come from past students and other teachers.  All through it, I have enjoyed seeing them. Doing this in class requires controlling the destination, but not the journey which I love.  The results will all be different, unique to the individual, and special.  I really recommend you check them out for yourself.  (Harapnuik, Eportfolio, n.d.)

Male officer suggesting steps to success

Innovation Plan

Having worked in the education industry for more than 8 years, I understand how crucial it is to have students who can stay focus, think critically, communicate, explore, and solve problems. Bridging a student-centered and project-based learning with design thinking can be a game-changer and offer students opportunities beyond the classroom. Understanding this great need in the classroom is why this learning method is being proposed.  

Growth Mindset

Carol Dweck created the growth mindset to outline the importance of accepting failure as part of the learning process. With a growth mindset, rather than that of a fixed mindset, a person will develop a positive and productive outlook on life, using failures and obstacles as channels for improvement, growth and reflection.  â€‹In my growth mindset plan, I outline what a growth mindset is and its importance, along with the necessities for achieving and modeling the growth mindset and additional resources for creating and implementing the growth mindset.

Meditate at the beach
Heart Shape

Learning Manifesto

Upon reflection, it became clear to me what I was passionate about regarding my beliefs about education. My Learning Manifesto shares my passion for placing learning at the center of the education model, my belief and dedication to digital learning, the disconnects and issues with technology in the classroom and my goals as an educator. 

Engagement Learning Communities

Collaboration is something that I value in both my professional and personal life. Being able to share ideas with others, to gain knowledge and exchange information is something I find most beneficial. Linked below are some of the Professional Learning Networks I am apart of.  

Group Calls

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