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Contribution to My Learning and the Learning Community


I love learning new things and enjoy being a learner to continuing making a difference in my student’s lives. I’m currently a 3rd grade Math teacher in the Dual Language program. Not every student qualifies to be in the Dual Language program, both teacher and students are held accountable with higher standards than the general Ed classes. Students must stay on grade level while learning their second language. This motivated me to further my education on technology, so I can provide an engaging learning environment for my students.

My two Summer courses in Applied Digital Learning were 5303 e-Portfolio and 5313 Learning Environments. Both courses were beneficial and fun to be part of my learning journey. I'm excited to continue growing and successfully completing my Masters of Applied Digital Learning. Both courses equipped me, not only with technology knowledge, but also with powerful educational strategies to implement in my classroom. Such as, the benefits of an e-Portfolio; I learned e-Portfolios are a way of storytelling and providing visuals. In Reflection4Learning it states "Part of the reflective process is to have students tell stories about their experiences which brain research shows can help students embed these experiences into their long-term memory. " Having this digital portfolio allows for that person to make connections or ''connect the dots" to form the bigger picture that may not have been acknowledged or noticed at that particular time of learning. One thing I found interesting that I did not notice from 41 benefits of ePortfolio is that and e-Portfolio is a way to assess your strengths and weaknesses. I also created my Learning Philosophy and New Culture of Learning taking a deeper look into my heart and beliefs to provide the best learning environment possible for my students.

At first, I was intimidated when I first heard the courses were project-based. I was nervous to think outside the box and get out from my comfort zone. Both courses provided informational videos that helped me be confident to take ownership and be authentic through my learning. One of my favorite videos from EDLD 5303 was Dr. Harapnuik’s created a significant learning environment (CSLE) video where we give the learner choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning opportunities. In EDLD 5313 was Sir Ken Robinson Ted Talk: Bring on the learning revolution! Both videos helped me see the change I want for me and my students. Now I know the needs and the importance of change and growth in our educational system.

One of the highs of my learning process was being introduced to COVA and CSLE by Dr. Harapnuik and Dr. Thibodeaux from Lamar University. The COVA Model allows students Choice, Ownership, and Voice, through Authentic learning experiences and CSLE refers to Creating Significant Learning Environments for our students. These acronyms are learner centered approaches to teaching and learning. I also enjoyed learning about Dr. Dweck’s research on how to change your fixed mindset to a growth mindset.

One of the lows of my learning process was creating Aligning Outcomes Assessments, and Activities, though I am happy to say that I survived the experience. It was the most difficult assignment, it caused me to dig deep and connect my Innovation plan to further implement what started a proposal to a real project-based in my classroom, something I had never done before. I reflected on the feedback and the feedforward Dr. Grogan gave me to revise and improve my assignments.

What worked? The project-based type of learning, I believe it made me really think and act on my beliefs regarding learning and teaching. I enjoyed creating an e-Portfolio, Learning Philosophy, New Culture of Learning, and thinking outside the box on how to implement my innovation plan at work using an UbD Design template. I also joined Yagaira Alaniz, Ingrid Perez, and Estefania Laguna creating a group community to collaborate about Blended Learning and elementary level instruction. By collaborating I became aware of my thoughts and actions reflecting on the growth mindset approach. So, I can change my fixed mindset during difficult situations.

What could you do better? I could have been less nervous in participating on the live meeting when the discussion occurred. I participated on the discussion boards and commented on my peers’ posts on timely fashion so my classmates had the opportunity to respond to my posting. I made sure to listened to the recordings and took notes of the important points discussed when I missed a live meeting.

What's Next? I look forward to growing my technology skills while completing the Applied Distance Learning Masters degree. I’m also excited to see the implementation of my Blended learning innovation to take shape and form in my classroom. My goal is to be more proactive with my peer group on my future course, so we can help each other on this journey of learning. Thank you to Dr. Harapnuik and Dr. Grogan for allowing me to improve my assignment by pointing out my mistakes. I learned by going back and correcting what was wrong to improve it. I too want to provide that safe learning environment where my students can learn from their mistakes and continue growing.


EDLD 5303 Score 98

EDLD 5313 Score 98



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